YES! DEFINITELY It's about the art...& the environment...
Our bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic
💧 100% Recycled Plastic & BPA-Free: Our bottles are crafted from 100% recycled plastic and are completely BPA-free, ensuring they are safe for both you and the environment.
💧 Heavy-Duty & Reusable: Designed for longevity, our bottles are made from heavy-duty plastic, allowing them to be reused time and time again.
💧 Environmentally Friendly: With a focus on sustainability, our bottles are 100% recyclable, promoting environmental conservation and reducing waste.
Artwork by Independent Artists
💧 Showcase for Independent Artists: Every bottle features a unique artwork created by an independent artist, turning the bottle into a canvas for creative expression.
💧 Extensive Artist Collaboration: To date, we have proudly featured over 120 independent artists, offering them valuable exposure and recognition.
💧 Artist Recognition: Each bottle includes the artist's name and a link to their portfolio, ensuring their talents are highlighted and easily accessible to our customers.